Fall Oaks

Early Childhood Education

The Plumas Early Education & Child Care Council is committed to ensuring the availability of safe, affordable and high-quality child care, early education, and development programs throughout the county. This can be accomplished through education, coordinated planning, and advocacy efforts. The Council serves as a forum for parents, child care providers, agencies, educators, employers and the community. The Council acts as advocate, advisor, and facilitator of public and private partnerships.

The Council is a state-mandated local child care planning council housed at the Plumas County Office of Education and funded by the California Department of Education, Early Education & Support Department.
The Local Planning Council (LPC) typically meets the second Thursday of each month from September through June.

Trauma Informed Practices


Module 100 Pre-K                 (T) 1/14 & (W) 1/15 5:30-8:30 (after hours) 


Flyer/ Registration: HERE 

Trainers: Tonya Byers of the Yuba County COE, Audra Coburn of the Stanislaus COE, Denise Gale of the El Dorado COE, Stephanie Gomez of the Sacramento COE, Nathanael Gale of the Sacramento COE, Rochelle Sweet of F5 Calaveras 


Module 100: I/T

The Trauma Responsive and Resilience Building training series is designed to support early childhood educators and providers serving infants and toddlers. The training is designed to support the early childhood workforce to be trauma informed and equipped with the concrete skills and knowledge to create nurturing, responsive and healing engaged programs for children who have been impacted by trauma and traumatic stress. This training series will support ECE providers working in a range of settings and environments with young children and for individuals working in infrastructure organizations on behalf of young children and families. 


Prerequisite: None

This training will be conducted via Zoom


Audience: Early childhood educators, trainers, coaches, administrators (working with and/or supporting people who work with ages 0-3).


Module 100 I/T                      (W) 11/20/24 &  (TH) 11/21/24 5:30-8:30 (after hours)


Flyer/ Registration: HERE


Denise Gale of the El Dorado COE, Rochelle Sweet of F5 Calaveras, Tonya Byers of the Yuba COE, Shadaneca Harbour of the San Joaquin COE, Audra Coburn of the Stanislaus COE, Nathanael Gale of the Sacramento COE


Module 100 I/T                      (Th) 1/23/25 &  (F) 1/24/25 1:00-4:00 (business hours)


Flyer/ Registration: HERE


Denise Gale of the El Dorado COE, Rochelle Sweet of F5 Calaveras, Audra Coburn of the Stanislaus COE, Nathanael Gale of the Sacramento COE, Stephanie Gomez of the Sacramento COE


Module 200: Pre-K

Module 200 builds on the Module 100 concepts by creating an opportunity to practically apply the trauma-responsive and resilience building practices.  In this module, we take a deeper dive into the trauma responsive strategies by providing an opportunity for educators to practice using the strategies through interactive activities, engaging in reflective conversations sharing implementation practices.  The following are the key practices from Module 100 that will be reviewed and practiced: - Teaching children about the Brain, Attuned Responsive and Nurturing Relationships, Safe and Predictable Environments, Body Awareness and Strengthening Sensory and Emotional Literacy, Self-Regulation and Learning to Manage Big Emotions.


Prerequisite: Mod 100: Pre-K

This training will be conducted via Zoom


Audience: Early childhood educators, trainers, coaches, administrators (working with and/or supporting people who work with ages 3-8) that have previously attended module 100 pre-k.


Module 200 Pre-K              (T) 2/4/25 & (W) 2/5/25, 5:30-8:30 (after hours)


Flyer/Registration:  HERE


Nathanael Gale of the Sacramento COE, Stephanie Gomez of the Sacramento COE, Audra Coburn of the Stanislaus COE, Denise Gale of the El Dorado COE, Tonya Byers of the Yuba COE


Module 200 Pre-K              (Th) 2/27/25 & (F) 2/28/25  1:00-4:00 (business hours)


Flyer/Registration: HERE


Nathanael Gale of the Sacramento COE, Rochelle Sweet of F5 Calaveras, Stephanie Gomez of the Sacramento COE, Audra Coburn of the Stanislaus COE, Shadaneca Harbour of the San Joaquin COE, Denise Gale of the El Dorado COE


Module 300: Strengthening Self-Awareness and Self-Care to Reduce Stress

In this module, you will learn about how cultivating self-awareness and self-care can buffer and protect you from long-term adverse effects of chronic, toxic or traumatic stress. Self-awareness and self-care also will allow one to have the restored energy reserves to prevent burnout. These concepts are foundational to trauma-informed work as teachers and caregivers cultivating these practices respond to children's dysregulated behavior with regulation, compassion and trauma-responsive strategies versus reactive and trauma-inducing. It also results in more protective factors for you and more joy in living in the present moment.

Audience: Early childhood educators, trainers, coaches, administrators (working with and/or supporting people who work with ages 0-8).

Mod 300 (T) 3/11/25 &  (W) 3/12/25 5:30-8:30 PM   (after hours only)



Nathanael Gale of the Sacramento COE, Stephanie Gomez of the Sacramento COE, Audra Coburn of the Stanislaus COE,

Denise Gale of the El Dorado COE, Tonya Byers of the Yuba COE,