Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten
Greetings Kindergarten Mountain Kids! You are the littlest kids but with the biggest minds and hearts! This is your first year in school and what a memorable year it will be! But this is an important lesson for your first year, school and education is any place you are learning.
Your Garden Year includes a little bit of everything. It’s about seeds that become plants. About how sun, soil, water, and air grows everything we eat and everything we wear. So the seasons of school have different lessons to teach us. The warm, long summer days are slowing down and we are starting up. They helped our flowers bloom and turn to fruit and grow many other edible parts. The fall completes our growing and harvesting and also has us put our gardens to bed. Winter is a time of rest in the garden as the days become their shortest and coldest. Finally winter snows melt and Spring brings new life with leaves and flowers, this is the time when we start getting ready to plant our mountain gardens. Here are a few ideas to go along with your teachers’ plans.
- Go outside everyday
- Record the weather every day - date, wind, sunny/cloudy/rainy, temperature
- Field journal one adventure at least once a week
- Observe and document the life cycle of one plant, and how it changes through the seasons.
- Plant one seed for your eyes (flower)
- Plant one seed for your tummy (food)
- Take care of your seed