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Health Services

Our school nurses are available to help students achieve their best physical and mental health, supporting their learning through better health knowledge.


Here are the services provided by the school nurse in the health office:

  • Assess health needs
  • Teach and promote healthy practices
  • Control communicable diseases
  • Perform required health screenings
  • Provide brief counseling, emergency care, crisis management, and referrals to outside agencies for further care

School nurses work at multiple schools. You can find each nurse's schedule by asking the school office staff.

Parents are welcome to contact the school nurse with any health-related questions or concerns about their child's well-being by calling the school directly. Older students are encouraged to seek assistance from the school nurse independently.

A reminder about medications at school:
School district policy BP 5141.21 and California Ed Code 49423 dictates that students are only allowed to take medications (prescription and over-the-counter) by parent request and with physician clearance. All medications with exception of Insulin, Asthma rescue inhalers, and Epinephrine auto-injectors must be kept in the locked cupboard in the health office. Students are assisted with medication administration by nurse or office staff. Students presenting with a need for medication during school hours should be directed to the school nurse.
Our Health Office Staff

Credentialed School Nurses
Emilee Pruitt, MSN, RN
District Lead Nurse; Portola Schools; District-wide
Jessica Logan, BSBA, RN - QHS, Chester Schools
Lauren Tasaki, BSB, RN  - QES - Alder & Pioneer, Greenville Schools
Christina Tate, LVN - Portola Area