County and District Superintendents
Plumas County Office of Education (PCOE) Programs & Services
Plumas County Office of Education (PCOE) offers services and programs for all Plumas County Students.
Programs include:
- Honor Band and Instruments
- SNAP Ed (Gardens)
- Artists in the Schools
- Foster Youth and Homeless Youth
- Tobacco Use Prevention Education
- Truancy Prevention Team
- Outdoor Education
- Child Development Programs
- Career and Technical Education
- Differentiated Assistance
- Opportunity Program and County Community Schools
Services include:
- Adult Education Consortium Lead
- *Business Services, Payroll, and Front Office
- Human Resource Specialist
- *Media Center
- *Curriculum and Student Information Services
- *Technology Services Staff
- Network Services (Lassen COE Connections)
- Library Oversight and Support
- Community Schools Partnership Lead Agency
*Provided on a cost share and/or fee basis
Plumas Unified School District (PUSD) Programs
Plumas Unified School District (PUSD) serves students in the 2,613 square miles through four elementary schools, three comprehensive high schools, and eight alternative education sites.
PUSD schools range from Chester in the Lake Almanor northwest region, to Greenville in Indian Valley, to the county seat in Quincy in American Valley, and to Portola in the east in Sierra Valley. Each community has a TK-6th-grade elementary school, with Chester, Quincy, and Portola each having a 7-12th-grade junior/senior high school.
Programs include:
- One to One Technology
- Advanced Placement Courses
- CTE Courses including:
Woodshop, Auto Shop, Culinary, Welding, Gardening, and more.
- Art, Theater, & Music
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Business and Finance
- Maker Space Class
- Distinct Outdoor Education Programs
- Unique Place-Based Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Curriculum