6th Grade Watershed Year
The 6th Grade Watershed Year is a capstone for elementary education and a catalyst for the secondary years that follow. During the course of the year, students participate in more than a dozen field trip days as they explore what it means to be a "Mountain Kid" and then follow their Feather River water drop from the source to the sea.
Between the 4-day epics of the Feather River Outdoor School in the fall and the Plumas to Pacific in the spring, students immerse themselves in their own big backyard by following their Feather River Watercourse. Each student learns the story of their watershed homeland by discovering and following their waterdrop from local peak to local creek. As it meanders, flows, and grows, students learn how their watercourse is connected to everything in their watershed and the many ways that it affects their lives and is in turn affected by them.
Between the 4-day epics of the Feather River Outdoor School in the fall and the Plumas to Pacific in the spring, students immerse themselves in their own big backyard by following their Feather River Watercourse. Each student learns the story of their watershed homeland by discovering and following their waterdrop from local peak to local creek. As it meanders, flows, and grows, students learn how their watercourse is connected to everything in their watershed and the many ways that it affects their lives and is in turn affected by them.
The 6th-grade Watershed Year Starts with The Feather River Outdoor School in the Fall and then is followed by monthly walking field trips. The walking field trips start at the headwaters in each community and then follow the watershed through town and the local valley, and then down the Feather River canyon which leads to a memorable Rafting Field Trip led by Feather River Outdoor Leadership Students in the spring. The year is concluded with the Plumas to Pacific 5-Day Field Trip at the end of the year.
Story Map of CA Watershed with Feather River Watershed Represented: